Do you want to know the event from the other side?
We are looking for part-timers for the following positions:
we are looking for tappers individuals, but also teams (3-5 people)
you will receive t-shirts and glass with the event print for free
we will train you
about 3-5 hours of work, CZK 130/h
we are looking for tappers for approx. 8 hours of work (3-11pm)
you will receive t-shirts and glass with the event print for free
we will train you
about 3-5 hours of work, CZK 130/h
we are looking for dispatchers who will check in participants to the route using the SMSTicket application
handing over glass, belts, start cards, etc.
approx. 3 hours of work, CZK 130/h
Please enter the following information to log in:
your name or your team name
your e-mail
write us something about yourself in the "message" box
if forming a team, include the names of all members